Iowa Association for Energy Efficiency

30 Years of EE Recognition

IAEE celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2017. We'd like to recognize those who have given their time to IAEE and to improving energy efficiency in Iowa for the last 30 years.

Kent Boyum,Ph.D.

1972-1974 University of Minnesota- General College, Minneapolis, MN Lab instructor and Teaching Assistant- General science courses

1976-Started as a consulting energy analysts with two Minnesota Utility Companies, serving the northern suburbs, Anoka County and the southern suburbs Dakota County. On site energy analysis of commercial and residential buildings.

1978-1983 MA and Ph.D., teaching assistants and research assistants Mankato State University , MN and Michigan State University, E Lansing, MI and University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, “Effects of selenium toxicity in reservoirs of Duke Power and Light," funded by EPRI, Electric Power Research Institute

1988-1993 Instructor at IHCC in Ottumwa Iowa, Evening program, taught Energy and the Environment; Earth Science; Man and the Environment

1990-1993 Science Teacher- Maharishi School- Physics and Chemistry, Science Fair advisor

2002-2017 Director of Government Relations and Economic Development, Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa- USDOE/IADNR funded Rebuild America Energy Program

2003-2017 Member, Vice Chairman and board member IAEE, Iowa Association for Energy Efficiency

Jennifer Easler

•    Education
    o    1990 BBA, Finance The University of Iowa
    o    1993 JD, Drake University with Honors
•    Work:  1996 to Present, Attorney with Office of Consumer Advocate – Division Iowa Department of Justice
    o    Represent consumers and the public interest in matters coming before the Iowa Utilities Board, including Energy Efficiency Plans and Programs of Iowa gas and electric utilities
    o    Assist with administration of broad stakeholder collaboration process approved in 2009-2013 Energy Efficiency Plans to identify issues and pursue opportunities to improve Plans and programs, including: greater consistency in residential audits, building energy code compliance, and Quality Assurance/Quality Control in residential new construction programs; leveraging expanded ARRA funding; and identifying strategies to facilitate higher levels of customer implementation of comprehensive energy efficiency projects (residential and non-residential).
    o    Stakeholder collaboration process continued in 2014-2018, focusing on: Technical Reference Manual (filed and approved 2016-2017); Net-to-Gross Whitepaper; Low-Income Roundtable and strategies to address gap in federal weatherization eligibility and energy efficiency needs in low-income households.  
•    Energy Efficiency Activities
    o    State Energy Efficiency Action Network, Executive Group and Ratepayer Funded EE Committee Chair (2010-Present)
    o    Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance – Leadership Award 2011
    o    Iowa Energy Center Advisory Council, Chair (2008-2011)

Bob Holmes

Bob Holmes participated in the design and implementation of most Iowa utility demand side policy since the oil embargos of the 1970s. Starting with conducting marginal cost studies for electricity and natural gas service in the late 1970s, he moved on to work on the pilot research projects, avoided cost tariffs and demand and energy forecasting for integrated resource planning in the 1980s.  In the early 1990s Bob helped design the administrative rules that implemented the utility energy efficiency plans.

Over the next twenty years Bob was involved in energy efficiency matters such as program evaluation, performance incentives and new plan development and in related topics such as ratemaking principles for new electric generation and interruptible program redesign.

Bob happily retired in 2011 after a 32-year career at Alliant Energy. He continues to follow avidly energy matters in Iowa and beyond, especially Florida energy matters in the winter.  He is pleased to report that he is also babysitting often for his first grandchild, Asher, a boy born in July to his daughter Heather Hughes.  Perhaps Asher will follow his grandfather and mother at Alliant.  Heather joined Alliant Energy just in time for the flood of 2008.  Her first office was washed down the Cedar River before she got to it.

Bob Kemper


Curt Klaassen

Curt Klaassen owns Energy Systems Engineering.  With over 25 years of building energy system design experience, Curtis has been responsible for the energy analysis and design of high performance buildings, geothermal heat pump systems, ice storage systems, heat recovery, large scale VAV systems, daylighting systems, advanced controls systems and other energy efficient technologies for all types of commercial, institutional and industrial facilities.  This extensive experience is regularly engaged during Energy Resource Station activities with researchers, building owners and operators, architects, engineers, equipment suppliers, contractors, students, and instructors.

This work has resulted in numerous presentations and technical papers on energy topics such as high performance buildings, geothermal heat pump systems, daylighting and building energy management and control systems.

Mr. Klaassen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and is a professional engineer licensed in Iowa.  He has been active in the Iowa Association of Energy Efficiency (IAEE), the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), the Iowa Heat Pump Association (IHPA), the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA), and the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE).

Scott Langel


Bill McAnally

Bill McAnally has over 40 years in the construction industry. He was a building contractor for over 15 years specializing in new home and light commercial construction. During this time he focused on energy efficient and healthy building methods.  He still remembers using Tyvek in the late ‘70’s, and was told how “that paper stuff” will never catch on.

Bill then became a carpentry instructor for Iowa Central Community College for 17 years and then became the Department Chair of Industrial Technology. During his tenure, the focus on energy efficient construction led to construction of 15 residence halls, numerous new homes as well as partnering with several area organizations building community projects. 

Bill was named the top community college instructor in Iowa in 2001 by the Iowa Association of Community College Trustees. He is the past president of the Iowa Industrial Technology Education Association and a board member of several groups involved in energy efficiency and renewable energy. For many years he was a board member and presenter for IAEE.

Bill now operates Bill McAnally Consulting. In this capacity, he provides educational training to those in the building trades by presenting at seminars and conferences in the mid-west on various energy efficiency and quality construction topics. He consults on various building projects for utilities, the Iowa Economic Development Authority, State Fire Marshalls Office and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach/COSC, and appears monthly on Iowa Public Radio’s “Talk Of Iowa,” where he answers consumers' questions about their homes.

Amy Mershon-Meusberger


Dan Moeller

My years of professional involvement in the promotion of energy efficiency in Iowa were from 1993 to 2001. Now I am an amateur energy efficiency advocate for my own home and personal transportation, working professionally on the electricity generation side of the utility business.


Kelly Needles

Kelly E. Needles- Has been working in the field of project development and energy services field for roughly 28 years. During his tenure, TEG has administered energy efficiency project work in the institutional sector (over 725 projects in schools, hospitals, local governments, private colleges, and non-profit organizations) as well as nearly 4000 projects for private sector businesses (Main street/retail, industry, etc.) throughout Iowa and the Midwest.  He has served many customers directly by assisting in the implementation of many energy efficiency improvements and securing the necessary professional services to do so.  It is estimated that he has been involved in over $75M worth of project work.  Kelly has assisted many utilities in the design of energy efficiency program offerings providing assessments of potential analyses as well as being on the leading edge of obtaining funding assistance for both utilities and rate-payers alike.    In past years, he has set up and administered many different financing tools including utility on the bill financing.  As an early advocate for energy efficiency in rural areas, his company has worked with literally hundreds of agriculture producers and rural electric cooperatives and IOU’s to obtain funding for energy efficiency projects on farms and in rural communities throughout America.

Under his guidance, The Energy Group is a twice recipient of the state of Iowa Energy Leadership Award and is the 1998 United States Department of Energy Partner of the Year Award Winner.

Kelly has served on the Iowa Association of Energy Efficiency Board of Directors, been a member of the Association of Energy Services Professionals, the Project Management Institute (PMI), and recently has helped form a 501(c)3 organization, The Energy Association of Iowa Schools.  Kelly is also a certified design assistance specialist for the State of Illinois, DCEO energy efficiency program.   Needless to say, energy efficiency is a passion and a calling and not just a career or a job to Kelly.

Don Otto

Ever since I built my own home in 1978 (the year of the oil embargo) I’ve wanted to wring the most comfort out of my utility bill. So when the Iowa Solar Energy Association formed as an organization of passionate members, many of whom were do-it-yourselfers, it was a perfect fit.

I continue to learn more about the building science of how houses work primarily from technical conferences, and try to incorporate that knowledge into the homes I build. In 1995, under the aegis of the Iowa Energy Center, I published an investigation of insulation performance under simulated windy conditions.

While a goal is still to reduce my utility bill, my focus is now to play a part in making a light footprint on the environment.

I’ve been a member of IAEE since shortly after it was formed, have served as chair, and look forward to many more years in the organization.

John Root

Energy Services adviser for Muscatine Power and Water (MP&W) - John’s responsibilities for MP&W have include performing energy audits on homes and business, teaching energy efficiency and renewable energy in schools and developing new energy related programs for MP&W.

On March 14, 2001 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Deputy Assistant Secretary Mark Ginsberg presented John with the Rebuild America Partnership Leader of the Year Award for his work improving the Muscatine community through an energy-efficiency initiative known as Energize Muscatine.

On April 29th 2002 the Iowa house of Representatives recognized Mr. Root for developing the Energize Muscatine program.

Prior to working for MP&W John served as Energy Educator at the Center for Energy and Environmental Education (CEEE) at the University of Northern Iowa. While at CEEE John wrote and administered grants, developed energy efficiency and renewable energy curriculum, and collaborated with energy experts through out the state and the nation.

John has volunteered for the following organizations:

University of Dubuque Facilities Committee ------------------------------------ 1994 to 1996
Dubuque Environmental Task Force ---------------------------------------------- 1994 to 1996
V. P. University of Dubuque Alumni Board -------------------------------------- 1994 to 1996

President University of Dubuque Alumni Board ------------------------------- 1997
Board Member and Vice President of I-Renew ------------------------------- 1995 to 2000
Board Member Iowa Association for Energy Efficiency -------------------- 1999 to 2001
Board Member Iowa Heat-pump Association ---------------------------------- 2001 – 2007
Board Member Illinois Renewable Energy Association --------------------- 2007 to present

John’s areas of interest are:

* Commercial and residential energy efficiency analysis and implementation.
* The history, manufacture and marketing of Wind Turbines, Photovoltaic systems and alternative fueled vehicles.
* The marketing of and the cultural barriers to the use of solar cooking in developing and in developed countries.

Jim Sayers


Monica Stone

From the first marketing visit for the Department of Natural Resources’ (DNR) Iowa Energy Bank Program in 1990 to today, Monica Stone has had the pleasure of being a part of the growth and direction of the energy industry in Iowa.  

At the DNR, she helped deliver the first energy plan for Iowa in 1990 – and led broad based discussions every two years following to set the direction for our state; ushered in utility energy efficiency programs; established various financing mechanisms for hard to reach markets; set standards for new construction and renovation of public buildings; empowered Iowa communities to establish customized energy programming; delivered training in new technologies and analysis processes for engineers and architects; helped business and industry reduce both costs and regulatory risk – and most importantly helped Iowans save hundreds of millions of dollars while simultaneously reducing negative environmental impacts.

Monica was able to view the energy world from the utility perspective when she joined Pacific Gas and Electric Utility as a part of their compliance group.  And, proudly, she returned to Iowa in 2008 to be a member of the team at the Iowa Office of Energy Independence, executing on the vision for our state to become the national leader in research, bio-technology and energy-related economic development.

While the first quarter century of her career was spent creating value for Iowans through investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy, now, as the Deputy Director at the Iowa Department of Human Rights, she helps people recognize the value of investing in our state’s human capital.  Of course, energy is never far from her heart - the Department of Human Rights’ Weatherization and Low Income Home Energy Assistance programs are key assets for our state in the quest for affordable energy.  Woven together, these experiences have allowed Monica the great pleasure of a career focused on one result - helping Iowans flourish.

Les Wilson

Les Wilson began his career in energy efficiency in 1985 when he was hired as a sales representative in Honeywell, Inc.’s temperature controls division. While energy efficiency was not a high priority for Honeywell in the sale of temperature controls, Les saw the use of the new direct digital controls (DDC) and their energy management capabilities as a real potential for helping owners not only control their HVAC systems, but as a way to save energy in the process. Following a few years at Honeywell, Les joined Weitz Resources, an energy efficiency performance contractor, as a project development manager. It was here that Les learned of, and joined, IAEE. Initially, meetings were held over the lunch hour at the Bonanza restaurant on NE 14th St. Les was elected and served as President of the Central Iowa Chapter of IAEE, and was responsible for coordinating one of the chapter’s earliest Energy Summits.

In the early 1990’s, Les became the President of The Energy Group, and along with his partner Kelly Needles, he helped several thousand institutional, commercial, industrial, and residential customers save energy and energy dollars. While Les is very proud of The Energy Group (TEG), he is most proud of the people of The Energy Group. Many staff members at TEG have continued their careers in the field of energy efficiency and can be found not only at TEG but around Iowa and elsewhere in the US, pursuing this vocation. Many members of IAEE today had their start in energy efficiency at The Energy Group.

Les is a past and longtime member of the Association of Energy Engineers and has been awarded the Legends in Energy Efficiency designation. He has been certified as:  CEM, CEA, and CSDP through AEE.

Les is continuing to work in energy efficiency today but on a reduced schedule. Through some part-time work at Control Installations of Iowa (CI3) Les works, once again, with customers to save energy with those new-fangled direct digital controls.

Dan Zaug


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